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Editor's Note:
and i have a link of the...week i guess. but i've never had one before.
it was a little depressing looking over the CCAwards. why?
oh, and did you know that none of you bastards are voting for my strip?
please go vote for me
i'm now ranked 14 on the funny papers. and a newcomer, some dollar theater, shot up into the top 10
gosh, why can't i have fans like that. heh, just kidding. you guys are alright. all two of you.
anyway, i guess i'll have to take a look at this comic. it sure must have a lot of support to go from
nowhere to top 10 so fast. or someone is stuffing the ballot box.
so here's a nice little guest strip. melissa drew it about three months ago. back then, i had no scanner.
therefore, no guest strip from melissa until now.
and just for kicks,
here's something i did to her guest strip. why? because i wish i could do wonders with photoshop.
instead, here's my best attempt. and in case you're wondering, i didn't come up with the idea myself.
in fact, it's stolen from Makeshift Miracle, and pretty badly at that.
and i wish i could read more of makeshift miracle, but i don't have the money to pay for it.
and its not like i can earn any money off of this comic either. cuz i already know that if
i even offered a little donation thing, no one would give me a stinking dollar. cuz you're all to cheap.
you won't even vote for my damn comic!
ok, so i'm sounding like a whiny prat. i'll pretend and say it was on purpose. actually i'm in a pretty good mood.
i'm in the middle of watching Disney's Tarzan right now. it's the first time i've seen it. i guess it's ok
so far. i also found Cinderella. I never knew i had it to begin with. ok, i'll shut up now.
oh wait! i'm not done yet. i'm currently starting to start to draw a real comic. yes, that's right.
despite my lack of any and all artistic abilities and the lack of a good plot, i've begun drawing a comic.
whoopie. chances are i won't get any hits on that one either. anyway, it's your run of the mill coming of age
high school troubles and angst and rejection and rebellion and evil teachers story. yea. so i need ideas for titles.
that's right. you get to submit ideas for titles to me! and i might pick yours!
so it's not very exciting. chances are that if you submit one, i know you anyway cuz like 2 people outside my school
even read this comic, along with the 3 people in my school. see, it's a 3/5 chance that i know you! so yes, contact me
with your little title idea for my great and wonderful poorly drawn and poorly written comic.
aim: daeyung885 email: daeyung885@hotmail.com
now that's a fucking long post.
i was gone this past weekend again, but this time with all my updates ready
as it turns out, it didn't matter much because my hits plummeted anyway
kindve weird that way. but anyways, my three weeks of stuff is coming up
which means i better get busy. i'm shooting for an update every other day.
that's 4 a week, 12 comics to do before i go. not too bad. alright, time to get cracking
hey there boys and girls!
guess what?!
with five more votes or so on the Funny Papers, i could be in the top ten!
so go vote you little brats!
first of all, since when am i the cartoonist and the editor?
second, i apologize for today's strip. apparently some people (one person), doesn't think
it's funny. or funny enough.
her: it's supposed to be funnier
me: why?
her: because your comics are supposed to be funny
me: you mean this one isnt?
her: not as funny as the other ones
i now solemnly promise to try harder at being funny
Buy My Computer Now!
actually my dads selling it, but he said i get 10% of profits.
which'll be only $20. hehe. damn.
and its not my computer. it was mine a year ago, until i got my sister's and my sister bought
an iBook. those are purty...
so is this the first link of the week ever? i guess so. ok.
after you're done bidding on my computer, go send your extra pocketchange to this "Karyn" person.
find out about her and her plight at SaveKaryn.com
she gets more hits than me. that's so sad. but i guess she can use the traffic more.
as of last sunday, she has only $19,533.72 left to pay!
because i wasn't part of it! i never actually voted either. i registered, never got an email or whatnot.
but i wish i could be part of it as in nominated or presenting. but then i realize all the hard work
that it'll take to get that established and well-known (not to mention talented) to become big.
and i envy the fact that all those cartoonists already went through a lot of the hard work.
i still have all the hard work ahead of me, and i respect them for what theyve had to do over the years,
but i wanna be one of them now! without the hard work!
enough whining. well, someday, maybe you'll see me at least nominated for best minimalist comic or something.
*crosses fingers*
sorry, i had to go on another short little family trip thing.
hardly a trip though. definitely not a vacation.
anyway, i'm back, here's a (late) strip for saturday,
and lookie! i'm on another dropdown!
yes, its a gay dropdown. so what...
well, i'll continue my tribute to comp sci tomorrow.
guess what? my friend bought me a Megatokyo poster from Anime Expo
very happy about that.
you guys can buy your own if you visit the megatokyo site
it looks a lot better close up.
well, you don't have to. it'd just make me happy. happier. something along those lines.
well i forgot to tell you guys.
i was on vacation this weekend, starting on the 4th of july
went to mammoth (california) with family
well, i tried to make enough updates for the weekend.
i made a strip for saturday, but i guess i didnt upload it
anyways, no garage band strip for monday
instead, saturday's strip
i am now officially prostituting myself
please vote for me on the funny pages
its a new month
who knows, i may get to display a banner on there.
i leveled off at about rank 15 last month
so how hard can it be to get to top 10?
i will give sexual favors for voting for me
ok, not really, thats sorta sick
but hell, if you vote a lot this month and tell me so,
i'll draw you a comic... ok thats pretty cheap
but the point is, go vote for me
surprise surprise!
this week i win the boffo toon award from BoxJam of BoxJam's Doodle
thanks to boxjam for giving me this honor, and all i had to do was ask.
anyways, go visit some of his other award winners, and see how my comic compares.
and while youre at it, go publicize my comic some more.
oh boy, no updates in a while, eh?
i blame that on... summer stuff.
ive actually spent less time online in the past couple days
then the usual for my summer days.
and then there was this sleepover thing.
and crashing out the following day and sleeping for 8 hours
and things like that
but i'm back on schedule! no worries now.
didnt know i had a schedule...
here's a guest strip by darlene. new strip sunday and on.
lookie! you get two strips today!
actually, one strip, and one piece of art.
i dont understand why it was so hard for people to understand what a "recess" is
a recess is two things, a break from the strip for readers, usually art
and a break for me from thinking up a comic.
anyways, now you get both.
and yes, i now officially have one of those "Be the Reds" shirts.
and no, i don't understand it either.
special thanks to hyun for "drawing" me this guest strip
i dont get it, but hopefully you will.
so yes. ive been watching the world cup games now that school is out.
jeff is rooting for brazil, even though he's not brazilian.
according to him, having a chinese mother who lived for a bit in brazil
and having chinese cousins fluent in brazilian portuguese counts as being
from brazil. to him, brazil is "we"
for me, "we" refers to korea, which just somehow managed to beat spain.
yay korea. cuz korea isnt that good. but they try really hard.
but anyways, im a little tired, but im gonna stay up for the senegal/turkey game.
you better watch the korea/germany game. im not setting my expectations too
high for korea.
yay, next "making of the garage band"
i think i've decided to make this every monday
and, if i can, have a guest strip every saturday
if only i could GET some guest strips...
and yes, i know my site is getting cluttered. i dont know what to do about that.
besides forgetting about publicity... but since i don't plan to do that...
umm... as you can see its not a comic.
its not even really "art". its five-minute art.
as in if i really wanted to draw, i'd at least make a half-*#$ attempt,
but with a five-minute comic, i make a five-minute attempt. either way,
its my version of art. take it or leave it.
next installment of the band miniseries on monday.
ok, i didn't update for friday. friday was my school's graduation. saturday is my brother's
college graduation. so here's my first guest strip. it'll also be available at extras.
special thanks to debby chang, the other "dc".
well there's some new "art" up. it hardly counts. so email me dammit!
you know i've received 0 emails concerning this site? this proves to me
that no one reads it. i think all the hits are by me checking on the site.
how much must that suck
i decided to put the miniseries on the actual site itself
i know you're all anxious to see what happens during the dance (yea, sure)
but no new five-minute comic for today. i started on one, but i havent finished.
yea, i know they take about five minutes, but im busy. so i'll introduce the seperate mini-series.
anyone saw american idol? i saw part of it, cuz i was bored. and man that guy's an asshole.
here's my version of making the band...making the garage band
also accessible from the extras page. oh, almost forgot. expect a new comic for the mini-series
i guess once a week. and remember, vacation is coming up. vacation=more updates=good.
here's another blasphemous comic. and here's the black and white
i'm planning (and starting to draw) a short miniseries. be watching for that.
i decided to put the miniseries on the actual site itself
i know you're all anxious to see what happens during the dance (yea, sure)
but no new five-minute comic for today. i started on one, but i havent finished.
yea, i know they take about five minutes, but im busy. so i'll introduce the seperate mini-series.
anyone saw american idol? i saw part of it, cuz i was bored. and man that guy's an asshole.
here's my version of making the band...making the garage band
also accessible from the extras page. oh, almost forgot. expect a new comic for the mini-series
i guess once a week. and remember, vacation is coming up. vacation=more updates=good.
here's another blasphemous comic. and here's the black and white
i'm planning (and starting to draw) a short miniseries. be watching for that.
brian tong says its blasphemy to have color on my comic
black and white version
i started working on the cast page
and there's actually an extra